On 09.12.2023, a DevFest event was organized jointly by the GDG Afyon Community, the Artificial Intelligence Community and the Informatics Community, including the students of our department. The event aims to raise awareness and inform people in various fields such as technology and software, and is also planned with various objectives such as providing the opportunity to unite communities and enable people to interact with each other.

Experts in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, software development, design and many other fields attended the event and shared their experiences with our participants. The event started with Ms. Asude Şenözlüler sharing her experiences about artificial intelligence with us and also offering an interactive experience to the participants.

Then, it continued with the second speaker, Mr. Alper Sarı, who works on cloud computing. He raised the participants’ awareness on cloud computing and presented his work with the experiences he gained in this field at a young age to our participants.

The third speaker, Mr. Abdurrahman Koçak, shared his work on game entrepreneurship and raised the awareness of our participants not only about game development but also about entrepreneurship.

The fourth speaker, Ms. Rüveyda Hilal Akçınar, has improved herself in the field of software development and explained to our participants in a practical way what needs to be considered about software and how it should be done.

The last speaker, Ms. Saniye Nur Çintimur, conveyed to our participants the importance of cyber security, how various cyber attacks occur and how we should be protected from them, through her experiences as an Information Security Specialist at Trendyol.

We would like to thank the students of our department and Informatics Community who participated in the DevFest’23 event.


12 December 2023, Tuesday 173 kez görüntülendi